Where IS Ray on the Issues?

  • Despite countless mass shootings, Republican lawmakers continue to prioritize gun rights over the safety of the American people. The lack of sensible firearm regulation is an issue Ray will address on day one in Congress. He will fight for an assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and red flag laws. Ray is committed to working with his colleagues across the aisle to find common-sense solutions that save lives.

  • Ray will always champion women's reproductive freedoms. The U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision has had devastating effects on women's health and safety. Every woman deserves access to safe and legal reproductive health care, free from government interference. Ray will always fight for women’s access to contraception and IVF, which are threatened by anti-choice Republicans.

  • Discrimination has no place in our society. Ray is steadfast in his commitment to fostering a future where everyone can live authentically and without fear of violence or discrimination.

  • Every American deserves the right to affordable, high-quality healthcare without financial ruin. In Congress, Ray will fight to expand the Affordable Care Act, lower prescription drug prices, and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Investing in public safety is essential for the growth and prosperity of our communities. This means providing world-class training to our first responders, recruiting and retaining the best personnel, supporting community policing, and urgently addressing the nation's mental health crisis. Ray’s oft-stated philosophy for supporting police is ”to pay them better, treat them better and expect more of them.” Police officers must be respected while being held accountable to the communities they serve.

  • We must act to address the threat of climate change and pass down a sustainable world to our children and grandchildren. Ray will champion efforts to protect our wildlife, preserve our public lands and improve the quality of air and water throughout the nation. We must invest in green technologies that protect farmlands and natural resources while creating American jobs.

  • The United States is a proud nation of immigrants, and we must uphold the promise of the American Dream. Our diversity is our strength, yet our immigration system is outdated. Ray has long supported Dreamers, believing that children brought to the U.S. by their parents deserve a fair chance at American citizenship in the only country many have ever known. Ray supports strong border security through greater investment in technology, with emphasis on stemming the flow of fentanyl into our nation. He will always stand up to the cruel, dangerous and unAmerican xenophobic rhetoric of Donald Trump.

  • Ray believes quality education is a bedrock of our democracy and that there is a major role for the federal government to play in promoting it. In Congress, Ray will fight for increased public school funding, better teacher pay, and free school meals for all children so no child goes hungry in the classroom. He will work to lower the cost of college and increase career and technical education opportunities, ensuring every student can access quality training without the burden of crushing debt.

  • Ray believes no elected official should put their private interest above the interest of the people. The newly proposed “ETHICS Act” is a bipartisan piece of legislation banning members of Congress, their spouses, and dependent children from trading individual stocks. Ray will champion this legislation in the House, ensuring that people come to Washington to serve the public, not themselves.

  • As a journalist, Ray spent his career defending the rights of working men and women and the labor unions that have long represented them in the face of Republican resistance. In Congress, he will continue this fight. Paid family leave and passage of the PRO Act to protect workers' rights are among Ray's top priorities

  • Millions of Americans depend upon receiving the Social Security and Medicare benefits they have earned throughout their lives. Ray will have no higher priority than resisting Republican efforts to privatize or otherwise erode the retirement benefits upon which so many of our most vulnerable citizens rely. He will work across the aisle to craft economic strategies that protect the long-term stability of our system.